
Statement of Intent

It is the policy of the Directors to give prompt and proper attention to all aspects of Health, Safety and Welfare to all of its employees and other persons who may be affected by its activities. The Company believes that in all aspects of its business the Health, Safety and Welfare of its employees is paramount and does not accept any of its work activities causing injury, ill health or harm.

We recognise that the maintenance of a safe place of work and safe working environment is paramount to the continual success of the Company and accordingly, we view our responsibilities for health and safety equally with our other organisational responsibilities. We require all our employees to equally accept their responsibilities as part of the development of a true safety culture. We equally stress that no work is important that it cannot be carried out safely. Personnel must cease work is they feel it is unsafe to be conducted and report it to their line manager immediately.

The nature of our activities means that a wide range of risks exist, but through the implementation of this policy directors, managers and employees will ensure that all risks to health and safety are addressed and maintained as low as reasonably practicable. The management of health and safety is an integral part of every manager’s role. All managers are required to adopt the approach laid out in the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999. This states the need for hazard identification, risk assessment and the implementation of control strategies aimed at reducing accidents, injuries and ill health.

The effectiveness of the policy will be monitored and reviewed by the Managing Director at least annually. To assist this process, safety aims and objectives will be set and performance will be monitored against these objectives. Annual audits will be undertaken and the Managing Director or his representative will act as the steering body overseeing this process.

They are also committed to a policy of Compliance with all duties imposed by the H.S.A.W.A 1974 and other legislation applicable to their undertaking.

All employees are expected to comply with policies and procedures as described in the relevant sections of the Health and Safety Policy.

This Statement of Intent Policy will be displayed prominently at all sites. In any event, the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other legislation and guidance will form part of the minimum standards to be achieved by the Company. These standards aim to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees, sub-contractors, and others who are affected by the Company’s acts or omissions.

This will include the provision of:

  • a) Ensure that plant and systems of work are safe and offer no risk to health.
  • b) Ensure safe arrangements are taken for the handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
  • c) Provide sufficient information, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure all employees make a positive contribution to their health and safety at work.
  • d) Provide free from risk to health, a safe place to work with safe access to and egress from it.
  • e) Ensure adequate facilities are provided for the welfare of employees.

The company will ensure that adequate funds and resources are provided to meet the health and safety requirements.

The Directors, Contracts Manager and Supervisors have the responsibility for implementing and monitoring this Safety Policy and ensuring that health and safety consideration are always given priority in planning and day-to-day supervision.

The Managing Director is the person having particular responsibility for health, safety and welfare and will review this policy as appropriate in line with changes in health and safety legislation, Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes applicable to the company’s activities.

The Company will encourage consultation with its employees and Safety Committees on Health and Safety matters to achieve the policy objectives and will give consideration on views on recommendations made.

Employees must be aware that they have a legal duty to take responsible care for their own Health and Safety and for that of other people and to co-operate with the management and others in efforts made to create safe working conditions.

The Company will maintain close co-operation with Clients, Suppliers, Sub-Contractors, the Health and Safety Executive and Safety Advisers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that Health, Safety and Welfare procedures and practices are satisfactory.

The Company makes a commitment to undertake continual performance evaluation and monitoring of the IMS management system to improve IMS performance to achieve continual improvement.

In the event of any difficulty arising in the implementation of this Policy, reference should be made to The Operations Director.

Pat Harte

Managing Director