
Harte recognises that our operations directly impact on the natural and built environment and have made Environmental Management an integral part to the success of the company.

Our objectives and targets will be established by the management team and we will continually assess the environmental implications of our activities and seek the co-operation from Clients, Subcontractors, Suppliers and our Employees in minimising adverse effects and continually improving environmental performance.

To achieve these objectives the company will:

  • Comply with all existing and impending applicable environmental legislation, regulations, guidance’s, codes of practice or other requirements that the company subscribes to which relate to its environmental aspects.
  • Bring to the attention of all personnel through inductions, meetings and briefings.  Employee co-operation is paramount to the success of this policy which includes; feedback and involvement though suggestions, briefings, meetings and representatives.
  • Work within the framework of our own Environmental Management System.
  • Commit adequate finances and physical resources to ensure the implementation and constant development of this Policy.
  • Actively seek to prevent environmental damage and prevention of pollution.
  • Promote a vigorous environmental awareness amongst staff.
  • Establish definitive responsibilities of managers, employees and representatives.

Be proactive and strive to achieve measured continual improvement of the Environmental Management System.

The systems defined have my active full support. The Policy will be reviewed annually but is under continual review and improvement, however once defined are mandatory for all personnel.

A copy of this policy is available to the public upon request.


Pat Harte

Managing Director

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